
What are the Benefits of joining as a member?
- Belonging to an international organisation.
- Mixing with mostly mature male and female members of a wide range of life experience and skills.
- Able to participate in any of the courses/activities offered.
- Able to use online courses.
- Sharing personal knowledge and skills.
- Opportunity to facilitate (lead) or Tutor a small group.
- Able to promote/start your preferred subject/course.
- Availability of Tutor assistance via a short course and or personal assistance/guidance.
What is required to join?
Complete an application form, forward to the secretary with annual membership fee as follows:
- The membership fees listed below are for new members only.
- Please note, annual membership for existing members is $25 per person.
- Joining between 1st January till 31st March, $25.
- Joining between 1st April till 30th June, $20.
- Joining between 1st July till 30th September, $15.00.
- Joining after 1st October $25, (includes following year).
Secretary will enter nomination and seconding of nomination details on the form.
You need to agree to be bound be the rules of the association.
A copy of of the Beaudesert U3A constitution is available from the secretary, or you can download it from the website.
Where is more information available?
Application forms are available by downloading the application form from the website.
Peruse the website for contact details, feel free to contact any listed, all would be pleased to help you.
Course participation
Participation fee per course generally $3.00 to $4.00
Online courses available through the U3A Network
After joining:
You will be supplied with a membership card showing your name and membership number.
Inclusion in the mailing list for Newsletter and other notices.
Your membership fee includes payment for public liability insurance. Contact the secretary for details.